Hi I'm Kadir.👋 I'm living in Turkey, and I'm Frontend Engineer.👨‍💻
Currently, I'm working at Getir, and creating smart things.
I love taking photo and editing them. Also, I'm in love with Competitive Online Games. I like to be in competition 🕹️
Also, I'm a Co-founder and mentor at Sifirdanbire
↗Is NodeJs single-threaded?
How to work with other threads in Nodejs? — Node.js runs JavaScript code in single thread, which means that your code can only do one task at a time. But Node.js itself is multithreaded and provides hidden
End-to-End Encryption in the Browser
End-to-end encryption is a security protocol that ensures the privacy of data exchanged between two or more parties
You should avoid these Typescript Mistakes
Hello guys! I haven’t written for a long time. I hope you will enjoy this article. This article will be about Typescript’s mistakes. Let’s start.